The Aviation Environment Federation (AEF) campaigns on aviation’s impacts, for people and the environment. We formed in 1975 as a federation of community groups near airports who were impacted by aircraft noise and wanted national level representation. We still represent our members on noise issues, while also now advocating for effective Government policies on aviation’s climate and air pollution impacts. Alongside our UK work, we represent environmental NGOs at the UN’s aviation body, ICAO.

Issues we’re currently working on include: opposing airport expansion (at Heathrow and other UK airports); supporting the inclusion of international aviation emissions in UK carbon budgets and the net zero legislation (Scotland’s legislation already includes them); opposing tax breaks and bailouts for airlines; telling the stories of people living under noisy flightpaths; and advocating for international climate goals and measures for aviation in line with the Paris Agreement. We’re also keen to encourage behaviour change around flying, and to help promote sustainable domestic tourism and travel as an alternative, particularly post-pandemic. We’d be keen to collaborate with other Transform Scotland members on this, or other aviation environment issues.
You can find us at or @the_aef