Transform provides evidence to the Scottish Parliament debate on the climate emergency, calling for urgent action to cut emissions from transport.
The Future of Public Transport | Parliamentary briefing
Transform provides evidence to the Scottish Parliament debate on the future of public transport in Scotland, highlighting the importance of ensuring public transport is more affordable than driving.
Rail and Urban Transport Review – Evidence submission
Our evidence to the Labour Party’s ‘Rail and Urban Transport Review’, on how a future government could accelerate connectivity within and between the UK’s key urban areas.
ScotRail Fife and the Tay Cities Timetable Consultation Response
Our response to ScotRail’s proposed timetables in light of the Levenmouth Rail Link reopening.
Access to Bus Services | Parliamentary briefing
Transform provides evidence to the Scottish Parliament debate on access to bus services, arguing for fair fares that address the long-term transport price trends which have penalised public transport users.
Delivering on Climate change and the Just Transition | Parliamentary briefing
Our evidence to the Parliamentary debate on climate change highlights the need to take swift and coordinated action to tackle emissions from transport.
‘Strategic Transport Projects Review 2’ consultation response
Transform Scotland responds to STPR2, arguing that whilst the proposals have much to welcome, that the lack of demand management planning and sense of urgency spoils the infrastructure strategy.
‘20% reduction in car kms route map’ consultation response
Transform Scotland responds to the Scottish Government’s Traffic Reduction consultation, arguing that in order to cut car kilometres by 20% by 2030, a clear and robust plan must be established…
‘Fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4)’ consultation response
Transform Scotland responds to the Scottish Government’s consultation on National Planning Framework 4, arguing that this plan will fail to deliver without a clear capital investment programme.
‘Whole Industry Strategic Plan’ consultation response
Transform’s rail spokesperson responds to the governments consultation asking what is needed for a long-term, wide scale rail strategy.
Aviation Strategy consultation response
Transform responds to Transport Scotland’s Aviation Strategy consultation, noting how the proposal fails to take into account the role played by aviation on climate change.
Fit for the Future consultation response
Our response to ScotRail’s ‘Fit for the Future’ consultation. In our response, we set out five key recommendations for the Scottish Government.