A policy portfolio of options for generating revenue to fund sustainable transport.
Our campaigns communicate the sustainable transport agenda to the media, politicians at the Scottish Parliament, local government, businesses and the general public, promoting the benefits of sustainable transport to all sectors of our society. To do this, we publish materials on a broad range of transport topics.
Annual Report 2024
Our campaigning highlights from the past 12 months.
In Reverse
A review on the Scottish Government’s performance on its sustainable transport commitments.
Tackling the Climate Emergency | Parliamentary briefing
Transform provides evidence to the Scottish Parliament debate on the climate emergency, calling for urgent action to cut emissions from transport.
A Wee Walk Works Wonders | Evaluation report
Evaluation of our pilot walking campaign ‘A Wee Walk Works Wonders’.
Fight or Flight | Full report
Research into the travel behaviours of Scotland’s public sector.
Fight or Flight | Summary report
Summary report of our research into the public sector’s travel behaviours.
The Future of Public Transport | Parliamentary briefing
Transform provides evidence to the Scottish Parliament debate on the future of public transport in Scotland, highlighting the importance of ensuring public transport is more affordable than driving.
Dirty Deals
A scrutiny of the climate impact of transport spending in Scotland’s City Region Deals.
Will Scotland be a champion for sustainable travel during Euro 2024?
Our open letter to the Scottish Football Association, calling for Scotland’s team to travel sustainably during this year’s Euros.
Rail and Urban Transport Review – Evidence submission
Our evidence to the Labour Party’s ‘Rail and Urban Transport Review’, on how a future government could accelerate connectivity within and between the UK’s key urban areas.
Annual Accounts 2022-2023
Our annual accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2023.