Leave a legacy
Leave a lasting legacy
Leaving a gift in your will to Transform Scotland will help ensure that we continue campaigning for a sustainable transport system for generations to come.
We are Scotland’s alliance for sustainable transport. We campaign for walking, cycling and public transport to be the easiest and most affordable options for everyone. We are a registered charity, politically independent and strictly science-based.
Established in 1997, we have been proudly advocating a progressive agenda on transport for over twenty years. We tackle difficult issues, such as how to meaningfully reduce climate emissions from transport, encourage bold thinking, and champion unfashionable causes like bus travel and walking. Many of our long-held objectives have now gained broader support and are being translated into policy action.
Uniquely, we are the only organisation in Scotland that campaigns for all modes of sustainable travel, from bikes to trains. Our diverse membership brings together passenger groups, local authorities, communities, environmental charities, universities and transport operators, in a forward-thinking, positive alliance dedicated to transformational change. We are well respected, influential and make a real difference across Scotland.
How a gift in your will could help
A gift from you will help us plan and implement evidence-based campaigns to help Scotland to become a world-leader in developing a greener and fairer transport system – improving the quality of life for existing and future generations.
How to leave a gift in your will
When you are making or amending your will, we strongly recommend you use a solicitor who will advise you on the necessary wording to carry out your wishes. All you need is our charity details:
Transform Scotland, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PR
Scottish Charity Number: SC041516
As gifts in wills can help shape our plans for the future, we would very much appreciate it if you inform us of your intentions, although you are under no obligation to do so.
If you would like to speak to someone at Transform about your wishes, please call 0131 243 2691 and ask to speak to Emma Margrett or e-mail emma.margrett@transform.scot
Thank you for your consideration and generous support.