Cross Party Group
Transform Scotland provides the secretariat for the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Sustainable Transport.
About the group
In November 2021 the Cross-Party Group on Sustainable Transport held their first meeting.
The purpose of this group is ‘to raise the profile of sustainable transport’, with a particular focus on cross-modal issues, within the Scottish Parliament, and to promote policies and priorities relating to sustainable transport.
Graham Simpson MSP (Conservatives) is the Convenor of the Group, and the three Deputy Convenors are: John Mason MSP (SNP), Sarah Boyack MSP (Labour) and Mark Ruskell MSP (Greens).
This CPG follows on from the CPGs on Rail and on Cycling, Walking & Buses that operated during Session 5 of the Parliament.
Transform Scotland provides the Secretariat for the CPG.
The Group’s membership consists of six MSPs and over 50 organisations:
- Graham Simpson MSP
- John Mason MSP
- Sarah Boyack MSP
- Mark Ruskell MSP
- Liam Kerr MSP
- Brian Whittle MSP
- Aaron McHale (individual)
- Age Scotland
- Alexander Dennis
- Allan Rail
- CalMac
- Capital Rail Action Group
- Climate Hub Lanarkshire
- CoMoUK
- Community Energy Scotland
- Community Rail Network
- Community Transport Association (CTA)
- CPT Scotland
- Cycle Law Scotland
- Cycling Scotland
- Cycling UK in Scotland
- Disability Equality Scotland
- Edinburgh Bus Users Group
- Enterprise Holdings
- Friends of the Earth Scotland
- Friends of the Far North Line
- Get Glasgow Moving
- GoBike
- Grand Union Trains
- Heritage Railway Association
- Hitrans
- Intelligent Health
- Levenmouth Rail Campaign
- Light Rail Transit Association
- Light Rail UK Group
- Living Streets Scotland
- Lothian Buses
- Midlothian Disability Access Panel
- Mobility & Access Committee for Scotland (MACS)
- Motability Foundation
- Network Rail Scotland
- Paths for All
- Pedal on Parliament
- Rail Action Group, East of Scotland
- Railfuture
- Railway Industry Association (RIA)
- Ramblers Scotland
- RNIB Scotland
- Siemens Mobility
- ScotRail
- Scottish Association for Public Transport
- Scottish Canals
- Scottish Rural and Islands Transport Community
- Spokes
- St Andrew’s Rail Campaign (StARLink)
- Stagecoach
- Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT)
- Sustrans Scotland
- Technology Scotland
- Transport Focus
- Transport Research Institute (Napier)
- Transform Scotland
- Trust in the Park
- Tweed Valley Railway Campaign
- Patrick Miner (individual)
- Women’s Cycle Forum Scotland
Other organisations and individuals are welcome to register their interest in becoming members of the CPG.
2024-25 focus: Tackling transport inequalities
After the successful completion of inquiries into traffic reduction and decarbonising public transport, the Cross Party Group (CPG) on Sustainable Transport is shifting its focus to a pressing issue:tackling inequalities in transport.
Recognising the vital role of transport in delivering a fairer society, the Group is embarking on a series of evidence sessions over the next year to delve into the intersections of transport and social inequality.
More details on meetings will be added below.

Mind the Gap
We need a fairer and greener transport system that works for all of society–tackling poverty and inequality while reducing climate emissions.

How transport planning worsens gender inequality: A parliamentary discussion
17 December 2024
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Transport for tomorrow: How do we make transport work best for children and young people?
10 October 2024
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How can sustainable transport break the cycle of poverty?
19 June 2024
Transform policy officer Laura Hyde-White reports on the Sustainable Transport Cross Party Group’s latest meeting, which focused on the intersection of transport and poverty. The recent meeting of the Cross…

Tackling transport inequality: A new mission for the Cross Party Group on Sustainable Transport
25 April 2024
After the successful completion of two inquiries, the Cross Party Group (CPG) on Sustainable Transport is shifting its focus to a pressing issue…
2023 Focus: Decarbonising public transport
In 2023, the Group focused on the opportunities and challenges of transitioning to zero-carbon railways, bus fleets and ferries as part of its inquiry into the decarbonisation of Scotland’s public transport.
The group met for three evidence sessions on rail, bus and ferry decarbonisation in spring 2023 and launched a call for evidence, inviting responses on barriers to decarbonisation, priorities for the decarbonisation project, and implications for the economy.
Transform prepared the inquiry report ‘Fossil-Free Future’ on behalf of the group, which compiles evidence from key industry experts to provide the Government with a set of recommendations and next steps needed to remove public transport’s reliance on fossil fuels.
The report highlighted that, in addition to improving air pollution and public health, decarbonising Scotland’s public transport fleets will allow Scotland to capitalise on its wealth of renewables and establish local climate-friendly fuel supply chains.
The Group recommended that the Scottish Government brings forward its ‘Green Industrial Strategy’ (promised in 2021 but still to be published) with a key focus on decarbonising public transport in order to end fossil fuel dependency.
Read more about the key findings in the report below:
The report sets out a set of recommendations that the Scottish Government should consider in light of its legally binding target to be net-zero by 2045:
Incentivise the purchase of zero-emission buses by introducing an enhanced Network Support Grant (NSG) rate for their use.
Put in place a rolling programme of rail electrification as part of a refresh of Transport
Scotland’s Rail Services Decarbonisation Action Plan.
Make the presumption that, where possible, all new ferries procured should be plug-in electric.
Use the Scottish Government’s planned bond issue to finance investment in zero-carbon public transport infrastructure.
Ensure the Scottish Government’s forthcoming ‘Green Industrial Strategy’ facilitates the development of local renewable energy sources which can be used to power Scotland’s future vehicle and vessel fleets.
CPG convenor Graham Simpson MSP said:
“This report considers how we can decarbonise public transport, and we have come up with a set of recommendations for the Government that are clear and challenging. These include the need for further funding to buy zero-emission buses, prioritising electrification of the rail network so there are as few gaps as possible and, on ferries ensuring that, where possible, all new ferries should be plug-in electric. Scotland is not doing well enough to decarbonise transport, though progress is being made and we recognise that.
“Public health, air pollution and the economy stand to gain from zero-carbon public transport – but it also has a role to play in attracting new passengers to rail, bus and ferry. Concerns exist around cost barriers associated with pursuing fossil-free alternatives – however, our report warns that costs must not be passed on to users if we are to build a thriving public transport network in Scotland.”

The report will be presented to MSPs at an event in the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday 28th November, which will feature an address by the Scottish Government Transport Minister Fiona Hyslop MSP, and presentations from the Convenor, Transform Scotland, Alexander Dennis, CMAL and Railway Industry Association.

Fossil-Free Future: Parliamentary event recap
6 December 2023
To coincide with the launch of its new inquiry report on public transport decarbonisation ‘Fossil-Free Future‘, the Cross Party Group (CPG) on Sustainable Transport met in the Scottish Parliament to discuss next steps for cutting emissions from Scotland’s public transport.

New Scottish Parliament report calls for government to capitalise on Scottish expertise and wealth of renewables to deliver zero-carbon public transport
28 November 2023
New eport published today (Tuesday 28 November) from the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Sustainable Transport calls for the Government to take urgent action to decarbonise Scotland’s public transport network.

A Fossil-Free Future: CPG Inquiry Into the Decarbonisation of Public Transport
12 May 2023
Transform policy officer Laura Hyde-White reports on the Cross-Party Group for Sustainable Transport’s latest inquiry into the decarbonisation of public transport which held its first evidence session in the Scottish…
2022 Focus: Traffic reduction
In 2022, the Group scrutinised the Government’s commitment to traffic reduction.
Transform published the ‘Targeting Traffic’ report on behalf of the CPG, which responds to the Scottish Government’s plan to cut road traffic levels by 20% by 2030.
Amongst other things, the report highlights the need for the cost of bus and rail travel to be cut in real terms in order to respond to the cost-of-living crisis and provide affordable alternatives to car use.
Deputy Convenor John Mason MSP (SNP) said:
“This is a fair and balanced report in my opinion. We have highlighted a range of issues which need to be addressed. But…there are no easy answers.”

Meeting minutes archive
Click the links below to view the group’s minutes and meeting recordings:
Minutes of 10/12/24 women & transport meeting
Minutes of 01/10/24 transport, children & young people meeting
Minutes of 11/06/24 transport & poverty meeting
Minutes of 28/12/23 CPG Fossil-Free Future event
Minutes of 20/06/23 CPG ferry decarbonisation evidence session
Minutes of 30/05/23 CPG bus decarbonisation evidence session
Minutes of 10/05/23 CPG rail decarbonisation evidence session
Minutes of 25/01/23 CPG meeting
Recordings of 2022 CPG meetings
Minutes of 24/05/22 CPG meeting
Minutes of 29/03/22 CPG meeting
Minutes of 24/02/22 CPG meeting
CPG on Cycling, Walking & Buses
Prior to the creation of the Sustainable Transport CPG, the Cross-Party Group on Cycling, Walking and Buses, the last session of which Transform provided the secretariat.
The group held its final meeting on Tuesday 9 March 2021.
To find out more about the group and it’s work, read the legacy report (2016-21) below:
Relevant news

New Scottish Parliament report calls for government to capitalise on Scottish expertise and wealth of renewables to deliver zero-carbon public transport
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New eport published today (Tuesday 28 November) from the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Sustainable Transport calls for the Government to take urgent action to decarbonise Scotland’s public transport network.

Cuts to bus and rail fares needed to meet government’s traffic reduction plans
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