A Wee Walk
A Wee Walk Works Wonders is a Scottish campaign to promote the benefits of walking for everyday short journeys.
As the seasons change and the days get shorter, a wee walk can boost your energy and brighten your mood. Going out on foot also gives you a chance to appreciate the beauty of the changing seasons, from autumn leaves to morning frosts.
It usually takes people about 20 minutes to walk a mile, so walking to destinations half a mile away will only take 10 minutes each way. Walking these short journeys can offer a wide range of benefits, helping your health, your pocket and the planet.
Because a wee walk works wonders, whatever the weather.
Types of journey you could walk
A trip to the corner shop
If you’re popping out for a pint of milk, why not blow the cobwebs away and walk?
Meeting up with friends or family
Why not walk round when visiting someone? Or arrange to meet locally, somewhere you can walk to?
The school run
Walking your kids to and from school can help to set good habits for them later in life, as well as reducing the congestion and pollution at the school gates.
To the bus stop or train station
For longer journeys, why not use public transport? You can still get in some exercise by walking to the bus stop or train station.

The benefits of walking
Walking is good for your health, and can be fitted into your daily routine. If you’re feeling the cold, walking can help to warm you up, getting your blood pumping and improving your circulation. Regular walks can also help to protect you a range of health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, strokes, and some types of cancer.
Walking can relax your mind and make you feel more energised. Even short walks can help to boost your mood.
Walking for local journeys helps to strengthen communities. You’re more likely to run into your neighbours than if you jump in the car. Neighbourhoods where lots of people walk are quieter and more pleasant, and also have stronger local economies.
On average, it costs you 57p for every mile you drive – once you add up all the costs, including fuel, servicing and parking fees, etc. Walking for short journeys instead of driving will help you to save money.
One of the best ways to cut your carbon footprint is to drive less, including by walking for short journeys. You can calculate the emissions from driving using this carbon calculator – every time you walk instead, you are cutting these emissions – helping to tackle climate change and improve local air quality.
For longer journeys, consider if there are any journeys that you could make by public transport. Replacing car journeys with public transport can help reduce CO2 emissions by 42% if using the bus and 73% if travelling by train.