We are delighted to announce that Bruce Whyte, Public Health Programme Manager at the Glasgow Centre for Population Health, is the confirmed speaker at the next meeting of the Cross-Party Group on Sustainable Transport, which will be held on Tuesday 29 March from 18:00-19:00.
Bruce will present on the equalities impacts of historic traffic growth and its relationship with the 20% car mileage reduction target that was set out by the Scottish Government earlier this year. Currently leading a programme of research on active and sustainable travel as part of his work at the Understanding Glasgow project, Bruce is in a prime position to share expert knowledge on this topic.
Whilst the 20% car mileage reduction target is very welcome, and rightly ambitious given the scale and immediate danger that the climate crisis poses, it is vital that we maintain scrutiny over this policy and its implementation. By speaking to experts such as Bruce, we can create the necessary dialogue about the importance of this target, and the difficulties we might encounter in achieving it.
If you or your organisation wish to attend this meeting and participate in discussions, then please do get in contact.