We’ve today published our new Annual Report. This year’s report focuses on our top three priorities for 2022:
- Cut road traffic by 20% by 2030;
- Make public transport more affordable than driving;
- Switch spending from new roads to sustainable transport.
Transform’s acting chair Stuart Hay notes in his ‘Message from the Chair’ that:
“Scotland now has in place many of the policies integral to delivering sustainable transport … What we now need is rapid action to secure change.
“Therefore, in our 25th anniversary year, Transform’s role in holding government to account remains as critical as ever. Over the next year, we’ll be pressing for the traffic demand management measures necessary to cut road traffic by 20% by 2030, calling for further switching of investment from new roads to sustainable transport, and making the case that public transport should be more affordable than car use.”
When next year’s Annual Report is ready for publication, we hope to report positive progress on each of our three priorities; progress that is desperately needed in order to secure deep cuts in Scotland’s climate emissions.